Of your interest...
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Gobierno de Michoacán)
The World Academy of Sciences
International Astronomical Union
Gaceta UNAM
Dirección General de Cooperación e Internacionalización
Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (ANUIES)
Laboratorio Nacional de Supercómputo del Sureste de México
Fundación Alexander von Humboldt
Coordinación de la Investigación Científica
El Programa está dirigido a académicos adscritos a alguna entidad perteneciente al Subsistema de la Investigación Científica.
La movilidad académica entre entidades de la UNAM no se considera en este programa.
-586 days
PAECI 2023
Compartimos con ustedes los detalles del Programa PAECI 2023 que otorga apoyo financiero complementario al personal académico y funcionario de la UNAM, así como de instituciones ajenas a ella, que busquen impulsar y fortalecer la cooperación académica entre pares nacionales e internacionales.
-577 days
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI)
State Awards for Science, Technology, Outreach, Linkage and Recognition of Innovation 2023
The Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Michoacán calls for nominations for the State Awards for Science, Technology, Outreach, Linkage and Recognition of Innovation 2023.
The purpose of this award is to recognize scientific, technological and innovation research and development in the State, the work of science and technology outreach, as well as achievements in linkage that contributed to the economic and social development of Michoacán.
In each of the categories, a grant of $50,000 (fifty thousand pesos 00/100 M.N) will be awarded, in addition to a recognition signed by the Governor of the State of Michoacán.
Those interested in applying should contact Dulce Soriano (direccion@irya.unam.mx) to prepare the corresponding application form. Deadline: August 16 at 12 noon.
Please add a brief text about your reasons for applying for this award.
For requirements, important dates and other guidelines, please refer to the attached documents.
For further information please contact: jjaimes@michoacan.gob.mx or telephone 443 861 4569.
Kind regards from,
-389 days
Programa Becas Santander
“ChatGPT 2023” Scholarship
Dear Community,
The Santander Scholarship Program has announced the “ChatGPT 2023” Scholarship, whose aim is to strengthen knowledge and employability through training in the ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot prototype.
Who can apply?
The entire university community: professors, administrative staff and students from all semesters and areas of study, as well as recent graduates from public or private Mexican universities.
Characteristics of the Scholarships:
Scholarship recipients will have access to 58 self-managed online courses that address topics in ChatGPT (the list of courses can be found in the legal bases of the program available in the section "Legal bases of the call”), which allows the scholarship recipients to take the courses of his/her preference.
The program will have three access groups (each of 45 persons) to carry out the courses, the scholarship holder will be able to choose one of the three groups in the registration form according to the following information:
- Group 1: From 3 October to 19 November 2023 (45 scholarships)
- Group 2: From November 20 to January 7, 2024 (45 scholarships)
- Group 3: From January 8 to February 25, 2024 (45 scholarships)
The beneficiaries will have to complete the available courses during the aforementioned dates. Upon completing a total of 30 hours of courses, the beneficiary will receive a certificate issued by UDEMY.
For more information and registration go to the following link: http://app.becas-santander.com/program/becas-santander-chatgpt-2023
-357 days
Centro Nacional de Supercómputo
Call for proposals 2023 from the National Center for Supercomputing
The Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, A. C. (IPICYT), through the National Center for Supercomputing (CNS), makes available to the national scientific community its supercomputing infrastructure during the period 2023-2024 to support research projects that require high performance computing. Those interested should submit an application according to the terms and conditions of this call.
See the 2023 call for proposals for more details on the procedure to follow to apply for resources: https://cns.ipicyt.edu.mx/?p=999963524
-331 days
Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico (DGAPA)
Performance Stimulus Program for Full-Time Academic Personnel (PRIDE) 2024
To recognize and stimulate the work of full-time academic personnel who have performed their activities in an outstanding manner, the DGAPA is issuing its 2024 call for applications for the Full-Time Academic Personnel Performance Stimulus Program - PRIDE.
Applications must be submitted through the GeDGAPA System on the website http://dgapa.unam.mx.
1_Registration of application: from September 4, 2023, to Friday, October 13, 2023 (at 6:00 p.m.).
2_Submission of evidence to the IRyA's SACAD electronically: no later than 18:00 hours on Monday, October 16, 2023.
*Applicable for new members with 5 years of seniority and for those whose term expires on December 31, 2023.
Doubts? Contact: asacad@irya.unam.mx
-331 days
Becas Santander
Becas Santander Idiomas | Alemán, Francés e Italiano para todos CID 2023
El programa Becas Santander extiende la invitación para que se sumen a su programa de idiomas.
Destinatarios de las Becas: todas las personas de NACIONALIDAD MEXICANA mayores de 18 años, incluyendo a toda la comunidad universitaria pueden participar por una de las 500 becas disponibles.
Características de las Becas: acceso por seis meses a uno de los tres idiomas disponibles facilitando el auto estudio con actividades y contenido disponible en la plataforma Idiomas Online.mx
-329 days
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Estado de Michoacán (ICTI)
Support for the Strengthening of Scientific, Humanistic, Technological and Innovation Capacities in Michoacán
Dear Community:
The Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Michoacán (ICTI), invites researchers, science disseminators and students conducting scientific research, technological development or innovation to participate in the call:
"Support for the Strengthening of Scientific, Humanistic, Technological and Innovation Capacities in Michoacán".
1. Maintenance of scientific and/or technological equipment: economic support for an amount of up to $200,000.00 MXN.
2. Publication of scientific articles in indexed journals: Financial support of up to $30,000.00 MXN.
3. Support for research stays: Financial support for an amount up to $30,000.00 MXN.
4. Attendance to scientific dissemination events and social appropriation of knowledge: Financial support for an amount up to $10,000.00 MXN.
Please refer to the call for proposals (attached) to verify the closing dates for each modality.
It is important to take into consideration that a letter of support from the legal representative (Dr. William Henry Lee Alardín) is required in advance.
Please contact us for any questions you may have.
Greetings from,
-289 days
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Estado de Michoacán, (ICTI)
Convocatoria del Programa de Apoyo para la Inscripción y Asistencia a Congresos PAIAC 2023
El Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI) convocan a investigadores y estudiantes adscritos y/o inscritos a Instituciones de Educación Media Superior, Superior y de Posgrado, públicas o particulares en el Estado de Michoacán a solicitar el apoyo económico para realizar el pago de inscripción y/o viáticos (limitado a hospedaje) y garanticen con ello su participación en Congresos de Ciencia y Tecnología tanto nacionales como internacionales.
-283 days
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e innovación del Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo (ICTI)
Dear IRyA Community:
The Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Michoacán (ICTI), invites the academic community to participate in the call "Share your Ideas", which encourages:
-To carry out activities aimed at disseminating, promoting, fostering and strengthening science, technology and innovation in the educational and social sector of the State of Michoacán.
-Publish books or research articles
-Attend congresses or research stays.
This call will cover applications evaluated and ruled by the ICTI, due to budgetary and liquid sufficiency for the granting of support.
Important dates:
-Call opening: June 23, 2023.
-Closing date: 08 December 2023
Please refer to the attached call for proposals to review guidelines, requirements and general conditions.
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Greetings from,
-275 days
Programa Becas Santander Mujeres Líderes - Dalia Empower UIN.
Santander extiende una invitación a todas las mujeres en el instituto, tanto las administrativas como las universitarias, para unirse al Programa Becas Santander Mujeres Líderes - Dalia Empower UIN.
Destinatarias de las Becas: Programa dirigido a mujeres mayores de dieciocho años y sin límite de edad, interesadas en herramientas de empoderamiento, educación e impulso para la formación de mujeres líderes y convertirse en agentes de cambio de sus comunidades y la sociedad.
Características de las Becas: Becas del 100% de la matrícula para la realización del Diplomado en línea “Mujeres Líderes y su Poder de Decisión” certificado por “Dalia Empower” con duración de tres meses.
El diplomado se compone de 3 módulos, cada uno con una duración de 30 horas de aprendizaje, las cuales incluyen la visualización de e-clases, la lectura de diversos recursos, así como la realización de actividades.
Becas disponibles: 2,000
Más información: https://pro-becas-images-s3.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/public_documents/608846f6-e61a-4fe4-ae7a-b2d65a1d677c
-273 days
Program ``Google Cloud Computing Foundation Academy´´
The General Office of Computing, Information, and Communication Technologies (DGTIC) of UNAM invites you to participate in the program
Google Cloud Computing Foundation Academy, which will be held from January 23 to February 22, 2024.
This program is aimed at UNAM students and teachers, who will be offered an overview of the main and basic concepts of cloud computing, such as Big Data, Machine Learning and its application in Google Cloud.
Those interested in registering or learning more details, should enter this link: https://docencia.tic.unam.mx/google-cloud-academy.php or write an email to academiasti@unam.mx.
*To participate it is essential to have an institutional email address
-229 days
Laboratorio Nacional de Supercómputo del Sureste de México
National Supercomputing Laboratory of the Southeast of Mexico: national call for proposals 2024
The National Supercomputing Laboratory of the Southeast of Mexico calls for proposals to submit projects that requiere the use of high performance computing.
This call is open to researchers and academics in Mexico, students enrolled in Mexican postgraduate programs, as well as Mexicans who carry out postgraduate studies or collaborative stays graduate studies or stays abroad for scientific, academic or technological development collaboration.
Deadline: January 23, 2024
-229 days
UNAM: Dirección General de Cooperación e Internacionalización
Program for Special Interinstitutional Cooperation Activities (PAECI): Spring 2024
The call for the Program for Special Interinstitutional Cooperation Activities (PAECI) for internationalization purposes for Spring 2024 has been published. This call contemplates complementary financial support for academic personnel, cultural groups, civil servants and trust personnel of the areas of liaison and exchange of UNAM and institutions outside UNAM, to carry out activities that have the purpose of addressing the actions of internationalization, in order to develop teaching activities, academic outreach, dissemination of culture and others, aimed at promoting the international projection of UNAM.
The announcement can be found at the following link: https://www.unaminternacional.unam.mx/es/movilidad/academica from where you can download the following documents:
* Call for applications
* Application form for UNAM candidates
* Application form for candidates from outside UNAM
* Annex 1: Procedure
* Annex 2: Tabulator
* Activity report form
Important dates:
* Opening of the system to register applications: from January 15 to January 26, 2024
* Briefing session with the DGECI Administrative Unit*: Friday, January 12, 2024
* Publication of results: February 16, 2024
-226 days
Curse: Java Foundations and Database Foundations
The General Office of Computing, Information, and Communication Technologies (DGTIC) of UNAM invites you to participate in the training: Java Foundations and Database Foundations, which will be given by Oracle Academy through Academia UNAM and will start on January 29th, 2024.
These self-study courses are an excellent opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in two of the most demanded technologies in today's job market: Java and databases.
Registration is now open. Those interested in participating must have an institutional e-mail address.
To register, please visit: https://docencia.tic.unam.mx/oracle-academy.php
-226 days
CISCO Academy training for the UNAM community (first period)
Cisco Networking Academy through the UNAM Academy makes available to members of the community of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the following courses, in self-learning mode, where you can participate with the ability to access their content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, during the period of delivery of the course (https://docencia.tic.unam.mx/cisco-academy.php)
- Python Fundamentals (in Spanish)
- English for IT (in English)
- Introduction to Cybersecurity (in Spanish)
- Computer Hardware Basics (in Spanish)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. If it takes a while to arrive, please check your spam folder. In case of problems during registration, if you do not receive the confirmation email or if you cannot log in to the course, please ask for help by sending an email to academiasti@unam.mx.
-182 days
IAU Astronomy Outreach, Development and Education Prizes 2024
Nominations are open from now until 15 March for the 2024 IAU Astronomy Outreach, Development and Education (ODE) Prizes. Launched in 2022, these prizes recognise individuals and organisations who have made outstanding contributions to astronomy outreach, development, or education. They are awarded every three years at the IAU General Assembly. The 2024 round of awards will be presented at the IAU XXXII General Assembly (IAU GA 2024), which will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, from 6 to 15 August 2024.
The IAU ODE Prizes may honour either lifetime achievements or major one-off projects. Eligible candidates shall be professional scientists, educators, science communicators or capacity-builders. Individual IAU members and non-members are eligible, as well as small teams or organisations. Anyone may submit nominations, but self-nominations will not be accepted, and members of the ODE committees cannot be nominated.
The winners will receive a monetary prize of €5000 and will be invited to attend the IAU General Assembly in August 2024 for the prize ceremony, with registration, travel, and accommodation provided by the IAU.
-177 days
HUAWEI Courses for the UNAM Community
DGTIC UNAM invites you to participate in the courses that the UNAM Academy at HUAWEI ICT ACADEMY offers for members of the UNAM community.
1. Basic AI: This course provides an introductory overview of artificial intelligence (AI) by describing its basic concepts, the possibilities offered by AI, its technical and application fields, Huawei's AI development strategy, as well as AI controversies and perspectives.
Language: English
Period: March 4 to April 5, 2024.
Registration Period: February 26 to March 15, 2024.
2. Overview of IoT technologies: This course presents an overview of what the Internet of Things (IoT) is, as well as the main technologies and devices that enable it.
Language: English
Period: From March 4 to April 5, 2024.
Registration Period: From February 26 to March 15, 2024.
-177 days
Call from the National System of Researchers
The National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt) invites people of any nationality who carry out humanistic or scientific research, technological development or innovation activities in universities, higher education institutions or public sector research centers in Mexico to apply for recognition in the National System of Researchers (including that of National Researcher Emeritus).
* Opening of the Call: From March 04 to 22, 2024
-170 days
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ICTI) de Michoacán
Michoacan Researchers' Register (PIIM)
The Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (ICTI) invites the scientific and technological community attached to Higher Education Institutions (HEI), Research Centers (CI), companies and other public and private organizations, to join the Michoacan Researchers' Register (PIIM).
The requirements are to submit an application for registration in the PIIM; demonstrate their affiliation to a Higher Education Institution, Research Center, company or public organization; and demonstrate scientific, technological and/or innovation productivity, developed in the last three years, among others.
Those interested in participating in the call for applications can review more about the rules and guidelines at: https://icti.michoacan.gob.mx/convocatoria-del-padron-de-investigadoras-e-investigadores-de-michoacan-piim-2024/
The deadline for submitting applications is March 31, 2024. The results will be published on ICTI's official website on April 29th and the researchers who are recognized will obtain an appointment as a member of the PIIM for a period of three years.
All those researchers who belong to and are currently members of the SNII will be automatically accepted in the PIIM, as long as they make the corresponding application.
-161 days
Centro Nacional de Supercómputo - IPICYT
Call 2024 - Request for High Performance Computing Resources
The "Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, A. C. (IPICYT)", through the National Supercomputing Center (CNS), makes available to the national scientific community, its Supercomputing infrastructure during the period 2024-2025 to support research projects that require high performance computing. Those interested must submit an application according to the terms and conditions of this call.
Deadline for receipt of applications: April 19, 2024.
See the 2024 call for proposals for more details on the procedure to follow to apply for resources: https://ipicyt.edu.mx/noticias_resumen.php?noticia=2411&anio=2024
-142 days
UNAM invites to participate in the call for the National University Award with the purpose of recognizing university personnel who have excelled in the fulfillment of the substantive functions of our House of Studies: teaching, research and dissemination of culture.
Aimed at academic and non-academic personnel who participate in the field of artistic creation and cultural extension.
The award consists of a diploma and $340,000.00 (THREE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND PESOS 00/100 M.N.).
Interested personnel should send their candidacy to the Secretaría Académica, through Mariana Aguirre (asacad@irya.unam.mx), no later than Monday, May 20, 2024 for review by the Consejo Interno.
For more information, please see the call for applications.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
-86 days
Laboratorio Nacional de Supercómputo del Sureste de México
National Call for Proposals for the National Supercomputing Laboratory of Southeast Mexico 2024
The Laboratorio Nacional de Supercómputo del Sureste de México is calling for proposals for projects that require the use of high performance computing.
The objective of the call is to make available to the academic community, the computational resources of the National Supercomputing Laboratory of Southeast Mexico (LNS) for the generation of scientific knowledge, technological development, innovation and training of high quality human resources.
Aimed at researchers and academics who require the use of High Performance Computing, assigned to research and higher education institutions in Mexico, students enrolled in Mexican graduate programs, as well as Mexicans who carry out graduate studies or scientific, academic or technological development collaboration stays abroad.
They must register their proposals for research, technological development, innovation or human resources training projects that justify the use of the LNS High Performance Computing platform.
The supercomputing resources assigned to each project may be used within a period of one year from the project start date: August 26, 2024 to August 25, 2025.
-38 days
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo
State Awards for Science, Technology, Dissemination, Linkage and Recognition of Innovation 2024
The Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation of the State of Michoacán de Ocampo (ICTI) calls Higher Education Institutions, Public and Private, Research Centers, Professional Associations, Business Chambers, Civil Associations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Federal, State and Municipal Agencies established in the State of Michoacán, Researchers, Technologists, Inventors and Independent Creators, to propose nominations for the State Awards 2024, with the objective of Recognizing research and scientific, technological and innovation development in the State of Michoacán, the work of dissemination of science, technology and innovation in the State of Michoacán, as well as the achievements in the linkage that allow contributing to the scientific, economic and social development of Michoacán in the following categories:
a) State Science Award State Researcher Subcategory State Researcher Subcategory.
b) State Technology Award
c) State Prize for Dissemination
d) State Award for Linkage
e) Recognition of Innovation
An economic incentive of $50,000 (fifty thousand pesos 00/100 M.N.) will be granted, in addition to a recognition signed by the Governor of the State of Michoacán.
-30 days
Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
#HilandoCiencia2024 Award
The Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), organizes La Noche Iberoamericana de lo@ Investigadore@ 2024. In the framework of this event, the OEI calls Ibero-American researchers to participate in the #HilandoCiencia2024 Award.
The #HilandoCiencia2024 award supports the awareness of researchers in the task of disseminating the knowledge they generate.
With this, researchers are cordially invited to publish on X (formerly Twitter) what they are researching. The call will begin on August 26, 2024 and will end on September 15, 2024. To participate, the researcher must create a thread on X consisting of a maximum of ten posts/tweets explaining a research topic in an attractive way for society.
The prizes established for the winners are as follows:
First prize: $ 1,500 USD
Second prize: $ 1,000 USD
Third prize: $ 500 USD
7 days
“Workshop on Software Solutions Analysis 2024”
The workshop is designed for university personnel -involved in processes or services that require software solutions- to acquire the necessary tools to identify, evaluate and select options that optimize institutional processes and services.
What does it consist of?
* 8 weekly synchronous sessions. Of 2 hours each (16 hours in total) that are organized in a period of 2 months. Participants must dedicate an additional 6 to 8 hours per week to develop the proposed activities in order to achieve the expected result.
* Specialized accompaniment. DGTIC staff will be available to guide participants during the training period.
Those interested should send the documents indicated in the attached document to the account sistemas.dcv@unam.mx, before September 23.
To learn more about the details of this initiative, you can connect to an information session on Wednesday, September 11, at 5:00 p.m., via Zoom. Registration is available here: https://bit.ly/3YRrjlo
15 days
Call for the Support Program for Registration and Attendance to Congresses PAIAC 2024
The Government of the State of Michoacán de Ocampo through the Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (ICTI) invites teachers and/or researchers and students assigned and/or enrolled in public or private institutions of higher education in the State of Michoacán, to participate in the:
"Call for the Support Program for Registration and Attendance to Congresses PAIAC 2024".
To request financial support for the payment of registration and/or travel expenses (limited to lodging) and thus guarantee their participation in national and international Science and Technology Congresses.
The maximum amount granted per applicant will be $5,000.00 MXN. Preference will be given to applications from students at any of the specified levels. This call will remain open until October 31, 2024.
Those interested in participating must consult the call and send the application through the following form:
53 days